XEnd Of Season Bare Root Tree Sale - See Our Special Offers Here
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A guide to choosing the right size

Fruit trees for sale | Quince Fruit Trees.

Blackmoor Nursery is one of very few Nurseries in the UK offering gardeners the opportunity to buy Quince fruit trees direct from our Nursery. 

All orders are despatched in one delivery. If your order contains both bare root and container grown plants then we can only despatch when all plants are ready. 

Any Bare Root Quince fruit trees - Availability means available for supply from Nov to April.

Any Container grown Quince fruit trees -Availability means available for supply now. 

How tall will my Quince tree grow?

Rootstocks Guide for Quince Trees - All grafted onto the QA rootstock. See the chart below, all of our fruit trees are labelled using these codes. 

The dwarf range will grow to approximately 2 metres. 

Click to enlarge

Bare Root = Field grown trees that have been freshly lifted and supplied with no soil around the roots. Only available during the dormant period November-April.

1 Year Maiden = A one year old tree and the size depends on the variety but in general they will be 125cm in height and will have some side branches. 

7 or 10 Litre = Container grown and can be planted all year round. The size refers to the number of litres of compost that the container holds.

2 Year Bush = A two year old tree that has been pruned back in the first winter to form a bush shape. Generally trees will be 140-160cm in height with multiple side branches. This height guide is an end of summer height.


fruitgrowers handbook

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Quince Fruit Trees

Fruit trees for sale | Quince Fruit Trees. Even if you have no use for the fruit it is worthwhile growing a quince tree. The combination of gnarled and contorted trunk and branches, the grey bark and the leathery and the dark green leaves give the Quince tree a distinctly oriental look. Pick the fruits in October before the first frost. Store them in trays in a cool dark place until the quinces change from green to yellow. Quinces make delicious jellies and also pie-fillings when combined with apple. Tree height when mature 3-4 metres. We supply the highest quality Quince fruit trees and plants and pack them with great care. Fruit tree growing guide click here>